Non-Refereed Extension publications
Oct. 2023 – Sept. 2024
Oct. 2022 – Sept. 2023
Oct. 2021 – Sept. 2022
Oct. 2019 – Sept. 2021
Oct. 2017 – Sept. 2019
Before 2017
Oct. 2023 – Sept. 2024
- Gyawaly, S., and J.P. Rijal (2023). Brown marmorated stink bug research update in California almond orchards. CAPCA Advisor, December 2023. pp 42-45.
- Lara, R., J.P. Rijal, C. Kron, S. Gyawaly, V. Maiquez, D. Roberts, C. Vue, M. S. Hoddle. (2023). Brown marmorated stink bug research update in California almond orchards. CAPCA Advisor, December 2023. pp 34-40.
Oct. 2022 – Sept. 2023
- Rijal, J. P. (2023). Tackling Pesticide Resistance of Spotted Wing Drosophila in Cherries. Progressive Crop Consultant, JCS Marketing, Inc. May/June Issue. pp. 32-34.
- Rijal, J.P. (2023). Spring Season Walnut Orchard Tasks-Pest Management. Pacific Nut Producer. April, 2023. pp 26-29.
- Gyawaly, S., and J.P. Rijal. (2023). Prioritizing Sprays When You Can’t Afford Them All. Sacramento Valley Orchards Source.
- Rijal, J.P., and R. Van Steenwyk. (2023). Growers Can’t Afford Losses to Walnut Husk Fly: Monitoring & Managing This Walnut Pest. Pacific Nut Producer, June 2023.
- Boyd, V., and J.P. Rijal. (2023). Borer insect’s appetite grows, damaging older trees. Ag Alert, 16 August, pp. 7-8.
- Eddy, D., and J.P. Rijal. (2023). Tackling the No. 1 Enemy for Almonds — Navel Orangeworm. American Fruit Growers, March, 2023.
- Nouri, M., and J. P. Rijal. (2023). Early Spring Walnut Pests - Monitoring and Management Considerations. Field Notes. UCCE San Joaquin. February, 2023.
- Eddy, D., and J.P. Rijal. (2023). Yes! Biosolutions Do Exist for Pest Issues in Walnuts. 18 April, 2023.
- Rijal, J.P., and T. Charlston. (2023). 4/28/23 – MyAgLife Podcast Episode 167: on ‘True Bug’ Monitoring and Management in Spring,
- Rijal, J. P., and P. Gordon. (2023). Pacific flatheaded borer update. Growing the Valley Podcast. P. Gordon. Published 13 June.
- Rijal, J.P., and S. Gyawaly. (2023). Navel Orangeworm (NOW) Hull Split Spray Considerations 2023. The Scoop of the Fruit and Nuts. UCCE Stanislaus, Summer 2023, Vol. 28, Issue 1.
- Rijal, J. P., J. Roseman and P. Gordon. (2023). Navel orangeworm mating disruption neighbors program. Growing the Valley Podcast. P. Gordon. Published June, 2023.
- Zuber, C., and J. P. Rijal. (2022). Winter Mummy Nut Sampling in Almond: Additional Insights for Pest Management. UCCE San Joaquin Valley Tree and Vines Blogs, 16 November.
- Rijal, J. P., S. Gyawaly, T. Martin (2022). Flatheaded borer re-emerges as a damaging pest of walnut. IPM in Action Highlights. UC Statewide IPM Program.
- Rijal, J.P. (2022). Lilac Borer, Podosesia syringae (Harris), as a New Pest of Commercial Olives in California: Biology and Management. CAPCA Advisor, December 2022. pp 64-67.
- Vicky, B., J. Roseman, and J. P. Rijal. (2022). Neighborly NOW: Web portal connects neighboring nut growers to create larger blocks for NOW mating disruption. West Coast Nut. February 2023.
- Gyawaly, S., and J.P. Rijal. (2022). In-season-& Post-harvest Management of Navel Orangeworm (NOW). October 2022. Sacramento Valley Orchard Source,
- Rijal, J.P. and M. Lies. (2022). BMSB on the Rise in Almonds.
Oct. 2021 – Sept. 2022
- Rijal, J. P. (2022). Removal of Infested Branches Helps to Minimize Flatheaded Borer Damage in Walnuts. UCCE San Joaquin Valley Tree and Vines. 6 July.
- Rijal, J. P., and C. Burks. (2021). Navel orangeworm monitoring tools for orchards under mating disruption. The Scoop. UCCE Stanislaus. April Issue. Vol. 26.1.
- Haviland, D., and J. P. Rijal. (2021). Are ‘May Sprays’ a low-hanging fruit to cut almond costs in 2021? West Coast Nut. Published April 9.
- Coatney, K. and J.P. Rijal. (2021). Walnuts, navel orangeworm and ethephon for 2021. K. Coatney (Ed.). West Coast Nut.
- Green, J. and J. P. Rijal. (2021). Believe it or not: bugs like almonds too. Entomology Today, Entomological Society of America. Published June 17,
- Rijal, J.P. (2021). Resurgence of Pacific flatheaded borer in walnut orchards and ongoing research efforts. 2020 Stanislaus County Agricultural Report. pp. 24-25.
- Rijal, J.P. and T. Chalstrom. (2021). Pest management in spring season. My AgLife podcast. Published March 19.
- Rijal, J.P. and T. Chalstrom. (2021). Managing stink bugs in almonds. My AgLife podcast. Published June 25.
- Rijal, J.P. (2021). Brown marmorated stink bug (BMSB): identification and monitoring in almond orchards -Video. UC Statewide IPM Program. Published September.
- Rijal, J.P. (2021). Walnut orchard tasks. Pacific Nut Producer. February Issue. pp. 42-47.
- Rijal, J. P., C. Burks, and H. Wilson (2021). Tackling the rising tide of navel orangeworm in walnuts. Orchard Origin Blog, California Walnut Board. Published January 6, 2021.
- Rijal, J. P., and S. Gyawaly (2021). Spring season pest monitoring activities in almond orchards. West Coast Nut. February Issue. pp. 24-31.
- Rijal, J. P., (2021). Removal of infested branches helps to minimize flatheaded borer damage in walnuts. The Scoop. UCCE Stanislaus, December 2020, Vol. 25.4.
- Rijal, J. P., T. Pathak, and P. Gordon. (2021). Climate change part 5: navel orangeworm. Growing the Valley Podcast. P. Gordon. Published September 7.
- Rijal, J. P., (2021). How Nut Growers Can Get the Best of Brown Marmorated Stink Bug. Growing Produce, April 21.
- Rijal, J.P. and T. Pathak. (2021). Potential effects of drought and climate change on insect pests including navel orangeworm. West Coast Nut. July Issue. pp 8-12.
Rijal, J. P., and C. Burks. (2021). Navel orangeworm monitoring tools for orchards under mating disruption. The Scoop. UCCE Stanislaus. April Issue. Vol. 26.1. - Warnert, T. Pathak, and J.P. Rijal, and (2020). A hike in navel orangeworm pressure expected later this century due to climate change. UCANR Green Blog. October 27, 2020.
- Rijal, J. P., C. Burks, and S. Gyawaly (2020). Exploring navel orangeworm monitoring tools for almond orchards under mating disruption. CAPCA Adviser. December Issue. pp. 36-40.
- Rijal, J.P. and T. Chalstrom. (2020). Spring insect pests monitoring in walnuts. My AgLife podcast. Published December 10.
- Allen, J., J. P. Rijal, K. Tollerup, and T. Michaelides (2020). Nut growers preoccupied with pests, diseases. Western Farm Press. Published Demember 16.
- Rijal, J. P., and P. Gordon. (2020). Spotted wing drosophila. Growing the Valley Podcast. P. Gordon. Published May 12.
- Rijal, J. P., (2020). ID, monitoring, and management of plant bug and stink bugs in almond orchards. The Scoop. UCCE Stanislaus, April Issue, Vol. 25.2.
- Rijal, J. P., (2020). IPM Task at Harvest: Identifying Insect Pest Damage Through Harvest Sampling. The Scoop. UCCE Stanislaus, July Issue, Vol. 25.3.
- Rijal, J. P., and S. Seybold. (2019). Pacific flatheaded borer as a resurgent pest of walnuts in California: background, questions, and future research needs. CAPCA Advisor, December Issue. pp. 41-47.
- Rijal, J.P. (2020). Managing spotted wing drosophila in cherry and blueberry orhards. UCCE Tree & Vine blog. Published April 16.
Oct. 2019 – Sept. 2021
- Rijal, J. P., C. Burks, and H. Wilson (2021). Tackling the rising tide of navel orangeworm in walnuts. Orchard Origin Blog, California Walnut Board. Published January 6, 2021.
- Rijal, J. P., and S. Gyawaly (2021). Spring season pest monitoring activities in almond orchards. West Coast Nut. February Issue. pp. 24-31.
- Rijal, J. P., (2021). Removal of infested branches helps to minimize flatheaded borer damage in walnuts. The Scoop. UCCE Stanislaus, December 2020, Vol. 25.4.
- Rijal, J. P., T. Pathak, and P. Gordon. (2021). Climate change part 5: navel orangeworm. Growing the Valley Podcast. P. Gordon. Published September 7.
- Rijal, J. P., (2021). How Nut Growers Can Get the Best of Brown Marmorated Stink Bug. Growing Produce, April 21.
- Rijal, J.P. and T. Pathak. (2021). Potential effects of drought and climate change on insect pests including navel orangeworm. West Coast Nut. July Issue. pp 8-12.
- Rijal, J. P., and C. Burks. (2021). Navel orangeworm monitoring tools for orchards under mating disruption. The Scoop. UCCE Stanislaus. April Issue. Vol. 26.1.
- Haviland, D., and J. P. Rijal. (2021). Are ‘May Sprays’ a low-hanging fruit to cut almond costs in 2021? West Coast Nut. Published April 9.
- Coatney, K. and J.P. Rijal. (2021). Walnuts, navel orangeworm and ethephon for 2021. K. Coatney (Ed.). West Coast Nut.
- Green, J. and J. P. Rijal. (2021). Believe it or not: bugs like almonds too. Entomology Today, Entomological Society of America. Published June 17,
- Rijal, J.P. (2021). Resurgence of Pacific flatheaded borer in walnut orchards and ongoing research efforts. 2020 Stanislaus County Agricultural Report. pp. 24-25.
- Rijal, J.P. and T. Chalstrom. (2021). Pest management in spring season. My AgLife podcast. Published March 19.
- Rijal, J.P. and T. Chalstrom. (2021). Managing stink bugs in almonds. My AgLife podcast. Published June 25.
- Rijal, J.P. (2021). Brown marmorated stink bug (BMSB): identification and monitoring in almond orchards -Video. UC Statewide IPM Program. Published September 7.
- Rijal, J.P. (2021). Walnut orchard tasks. Pacific Nut Producer. February Issue. pp. 42-47.
- Parsons, C. J. P. Rijal, D. Haviland, G. Brar. (2020). Dormant monitoring and control for San Jose scale. C. Parsons (Ed). West Coast Nut.
- J. Warnert, T. Pathak, and J.P. Rijal, and (2020). A hike in navel orangeworm pressure expected later this century due to climate change. UCANR Green Blog. October 27, 2020.
- Rijal, J. P., C. Burks, and S. Gyawaly (2020). Exploring navel orangeworm monitoring tools for almond orchards under mating disruption. CAPCA Adviser. December Issue. pp. 36-40.
- Rijal, J.P. and T. Chalstrom. (2020). Spring insect pests monitoring in walnuts. My AgLife podcast. Published December 10.
- Allen, J., J. P. Rijal, K. Tollerup, and T. Michaelides (2020). Nut growers preoccupied with pests, diseases. Western FarmPress. Published Demember 16.
- Rijal, J. P., and P. Gordon. (2020). Spotted wing drosophila. Growing the Valley Podcast. P. Gordon. Published May 12.
- Rijal, J. P., (2020). ID, monitoring, and management of plant bug and stink bugs in almond orchards. The Scoop. UCCE Stanislaus, April Issue, Vol. 25.2.
- Rijal, J. P., (2020). IPM Task at Harvest: Identifying Insect Pest Damage Through Harvest Sampling. The Scoop. UCCE Stanislaus, July Issue, Vol. 25.3.
- Rijal, J.P. (2020). Managing spotted wing drosophila in cherry and blueberry orhards. UCCE Tree & Vine blog. Published April 16.
- Rijal, J. P. (2019). Increasing evidence of Pacific flatheaded borer attack in walnut orchards in California. West Coast Nut. November Issue. pp. 28-32.
- Rijal, J. P. (2020). Identifying insect pest damage through harvest sampling. Pacific Nut Produeer. Published August 27.
- Rijal., J. P. (2020). Reports of lilac borer infestation in commercial olive orchards in the North San Joaquin Valley. Field Notes. UCCE San Joaquin County. May Issue.
- Rijal, J. P. (2020). Insect pests and pest management updates. AgFax Tree Crops Updates. Contributed to six issues from February thourgh June.
- Parsons, C. and J. P. Rijal (2020). Control tools for mites in almonds almond. C. Parsons (Ed.). West Coast Nut. Published June 1.
- Rijal, J. P. (2020). Walnut husk fly: understanding the biology, monitoring and management of this common pest in walnut. West Coast Nut. June Issue. pp. 44-48.
- Rijal, J. P. and M. Lies (2020). Brown marmorated stink bug emerging as a significant pest in walnuts. M. Lies (Ed.). West Coast Nut. April Issue. pp. 72-75.
- Rijal, J. P., and S. Seybold. (2019). Pacific flatheaded borer as a resurgent pest of walnuts in California: background, questions, and future research needs. CAPCA Advisor, December Issue. pp. 41-47.
- Haviland, D.R., and J. P. Rijal. (2019). Mating disruption for navel orangeworm available for organic nut crops. Organic Farmer. October/November Issue. JCS Marketing. pp. 16-20.
- Hawkes, L. D. R. Haviland and J.P. Rijal. (2019). Orchard sanitation remains critical for NOW management. L. Hawkes (Ed.). Western Farm Press. Published December 4.
Oct. 2017 – Sept. 2019
- Rijal, J. P. (2019). Importance of Integrated Pest Management (IPM) in managing arthropod pests in organic nut production in California. Organic Farmer, Vol. 2, Issue 4. pp 44-46.
- Rijal, J. P. (2019). Seasonal pest management task: insect monitoring in almond and walnut orchards. West Coast Nut. April Issue. pp. 10-17.
- Rijal, J. P., and P. Gordon. (2018). Brown Marmorated Stink Bug. Growing the Valley. P. Gordon.
- Haviland, D., J. P. Rijal, E. Symmes. (2019). IPM Advisors demonstrate mating disruption for key almond pests. UC Delivers. Published: June 28, 2019.
- Rijal, J. P. (2019). Insect Pest Updates (3/1, 3/23, 4/12, 4/25, 6/1, 6/15, 7/15) on the AgFax Tree Crops Updates.
- Rijal, J.P. and C. Parsons (2019). Almond and pistachio growers need to be on the lookout for BMSB. (Editor: C. Parsons). West Coast Nut. February Issue. pp 38-41.
- Rijal, J.P. (2019). California Almonds, Walnuts: Trapping Options – Quick Overview. AgFax News (March 3),
- Rijal, J. P. (2019). Where does the husk fly go during the winter: exploring the overwintering biology of the walnut husk fly in walnuts. CAPCA Adviser (February)
- Rijal, J. P. (2019). Invasive pests to watch out for in the vines in 2019. A special newsletter issue published for the 67th Annual Grape Day. Lodi Grape Growers and Lodi Wine Commission (February).
- Rijal, J.P. (2018). California walnuts: “concerning” – Pacific flatheaded borer activity. AgFax News (November 19).
- Rijal, J. P. 2018. Brown marmorated stink bug-keep an eye out for potential damage. Sacramento Valley Orchard Source.
- Rijal, J. P. (2018). Old pest-new problem: Infestation of Pacific flatheaded borer in walnuts in the northern San Joaquin Valley. Field Notes Newsletter (November).
- Rijal, J. P. (2018). Understanding the Overwintering Biology of the Husk Fly—A Research Update. Field Notes Newsletter (August).
- Rijal, J. P. (2018). California almonds: what to expect from third now flight in upper SJV. Ag Fax Update (August 13),
- Rijal, J. P. (2018). New Pest of Almond: The knowns and unknowns of brown marmorated stink bug in California. Progressive Crop Consultant (July/August). (Article link)
- Martin, T., and P. Rijal. (2018). Brown marmorated stink bug moving into agriculture. The IPM Corner Blog (June).
- Rijal, J. (2018). Mating disruption and navel orangeworm. UCCE Stanislaus Walnut News (Spring).
- Rijal, J. P., and D. Haviland. (2018). Integration of mating disruption into management programs for navel orangeworm. West Coast Nut (June). (Article link)
- Burks, C., E. Symmes, and P. Rijal. (2018). Monitoring and treatment of navel orangeworm (NOW) in walnuts: a research update. Progressive Crop Consultant (March/April).
- Rijal, J. P. (2018). Insect pest monitoring for tree crops (Bloom-Spring). UCCE Field Notes Newsletter (February).
- Haviland, D., E. Symmes, P. Rijal, and K. Tollerup. (2017). Evaluation of the role of chlorpyrifos in almond production systems. CAPCA Adviser (December).
- Rijal, J. P. (2017). Brown marmorated stink bug becomes established in Stanislaus County orchards. 2016-Stanislaus County Crop Report. 17p.
- Rijal, J. P. (2017). Invasion of brown marmorated stink bug (BMSB): Orchard pest update-peach growers beware. Vol. 34 (September/October, Issue 4). pp. 8-11.
- Walker, M. and J. P. Rijal (2017). What lies beneath: grape root borer in eastern vineyards. Entomology Today artiel (featuring Rijal’s work on grape root borer). M. Walker (Ed.). Dec. 14
- Rijal, J. P. (2017). What Lies Beneath: Grape Root Borer in Eastern Vineyards. Article published at the Entomology Today (Editor: Meredith Walker) Dec. 14, 2017. (Link)
Before 2017
- McGowen, S. (2016). Safe use and handling of pesticides for commercial vegetable growers in Nepal. Editor: Rijal, J. P.
- Rijal, J. P. (2016). Sampling and management of spider mites in almonds. Pacific Nut Producer Newsletter Vol. 22, No. 6 (June).
- Rijal, J. P. (2016). Research to better understand spider mite migration timing. Nuts 'n' Bolts section, Pacific Nut Producer Newsletter Vol. 22, No. 6 (June).
- Rijal, J. P. (2016). Summary of insect monitoring in nut and fruit crops: summer update. The Scoop (of fruit and nuts in Stanislaus County). Vol 22.1 (July).
- Rijal, J. P. (2016). Taking nut samples at harvest for insect damage evaluation. Field Notes Newsletter. August 2016
- Rijal, J. P. (2016). IPM of Spider mites in almonds: exploring the new sampling techniques. CAPCA Adviser. August 2016.
- Rijal, J. P. (2016). Spider mites in almonds: monitoring and management. Field Notes Newsletter. May 2016
- Rijal, J.P. (2016). Monitoring and management of San Jose scale and other insect pests during the dormant season. The Almond Doctor
- Rijal, J. P. (2016). Spotted Wing Drosophila in California Cherries: understanding the issue and options for management. California Fresh Fruit 33(2): pp. 8-9. (Article pdf)
- Rijal, J. P. (2015). New IPM Advisor: introduction. Field Notes Newsletter, August-2015
- Rijal, J. P. (2015). Obscure mealybug found on almond trees for first time in California. Entomology Today Blog, Entomol. Soc. Am.
- Rijal, J.P. (2015). "Role of Winter Sanitation for Navel Orangeworm Management." The Almond Doctor
- Rijal, J. P. (2015). Spotted wing Drosophila in California cherries. Field Notes Newsletter-November 2015.
- Rijal, J.P. 2012. Out of site, out of mind: Grape root borer infestation in Virginia vineyards.The Grape Press. Vol. 28. No. 2. 8p. (Link)
- Rijal, J.P. 2009. Plant Clinic: New concept and perspective in Nepal (In Nepali). Plant Protection Newsletter, Year 3, No. 9. Plant Protection Directorate, Dept.of Agriculture, Nepal.
- Rijal, J.P. and S. Subedi. 2008. Chemical pesticides and its safe use in Integrated Pest Management (IPM): A review (In Nepali). Agriculture Newsletter. Vol 44 (6). Agriculture Information and Communication Center, MOAC, Nepal. pp 28-33.
- Rijal, J.P. 2008. Pheromone trap: An effective monitoring tool for Chickpea pod borer. SAARC AgriNews. Vol. 2. No. 1, SAARC Agriculture Centre. 9p. (Link)
- Rijal, J.P. 2007. Use of biopesticides for insect pest management (In Nepali). Plant Protection Newsletter, Year 2, No. 4. Plant Protection Directorate, Dept.of Agricuture, Nepal.
- Rijal, J. P. 2006. Pathogenic fungi combat against chickpea pod borer in Nepal. SAIC Newsletter. Vol. 16, No. 3. pp. 7-8.
- Rijal, J.P. 2006. Monitoring and management of Helicoverpa armigera Hubner with native isolates of insect pathogenic fungi. M.Sc. Thesis. Tribhuvan University, Institute of Agriculture and Animal Science, Nepal. 135p.
- Rijal, J.P. 2006. Some harmful borers, Helicoverpa armigera Hubner and Leucinodes orbonalis Guenee of Vegetable crops and management (In Nepali). Agriculture Information Newsletter, Society of Post Graduate, IAAS, Nepal. 3 (1-2).
- Rijal, J.P. and Y.D. GC. 2006. A report on biopesticides and integrated pest management training (25th -29th Nov.). Rural Reconstruction Nepal (RRN), Sustainable Rural Livelihood Program (SRLP) at 30th Nov., 2006. Sankhuwashava, Nepal